16 February 2009

Bad things and good things.

You know, one of the sad things about having an online blog is that I can't properly rant without having angry comments thrown back at me thus making me feel worse. That said, I'm still going to try. First, the bad things, then the good things.

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les gens continuent à faire des choses qu'ils savent faire de moi la colère. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils pensent qu'il est amusant de continuer à faire des choses qui m'a bouleversé et pense qu'il est drôle. Il n'est pas acceptable d'aller dans ma chambre sans ma permission. Il n'est pas acceptable de se déplacer et de prendre mes affaires sans demander. Il n'est pas acceptable de faire beaucoup de bruit après que j'ai dit et répété qu'il est contre les règles de la maison. Il n'est pas acceptable de sourire a moi et regarder moi comme si je l'ai développé une deuxième tête quand il est bien évident que je suis en colère à vous d'ignorer quelque chose que je vous ai dit. Plus important encore, il n'est pas correct de me traiter comme un pushover. Jamais. Je suis prêt à casser. J'ai le pouvoir de faire le reste du semestre assez misérable et je n'ai pas peur de l'utiliser.

Now that that's out of my system a bit, here are the good things.

Schubert (new fish) made a bubble nest in his tank today which means he's happy. He still has a conniption whenever I drop food into his tank, but baby steps.

We made a BRILLIANT game plan for two large events later in the semester and I'm very excited to get going with them even though my life is going to be quite consumed as the semester continues.

Last night was quite a blast. Saw a friend's band. Drank... Had a great time with some really good friends. Nights at the Library are pretty rad, not gonna lie.

I made cake truffles tonite. Cake. Truffles. They're quite delicious, I must say. I got the original recipe here. And then I modified it a bit. I used Devil's Food cake mix instead of Red Velvet, 'cause the latter is quite messy. I chilled the cake type mixture in the freezer so it was less messy when rolling. I skipped step 4 and made well over 100 of them because mine were smaller. I also mixed peanut butter into the chocolate coating because I'm rad like that. Here's some pictures!
This is the rolling process...

Gretchen helping with the chocolate coating.

The finished product!


I had some stuff I had wanted to get accomplished tonite, but I got caught up in other things. Obviously. I think I'm just going to go to bed and try to get the bad things out of my head.

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